二零一三年會員周年大會會議議案 發表於 2014年3月11日
相關附件 \ 詳情下載: 2014AGM_doc3.pdf 按此觀看完整消息
 可立中學校友會二零一三年財政年度財務報表 發表於 2014年3月11日
相關附件 \ 詳情下載: HLCAA_2013_Fin_Statement[1].pdf 按此觀看完整消息
 二零一三年財政年度財務報告 發表於 2014年3月11日
相關附件 \ 詳情下載: HLCAA_2013_Fin_Report[1].pdf 按此觀看完整消息
 召 開 會 員 周 年 大 會 發表於 2014年3月11日
相關附件 \ 詳情下載: 2014AGM_doc1.pdf 按此觀看完整消息
 FEAST FOR THE ELDERLY 2014 發表於 2014年1月16日
Dear All,

The ‘Feast for the Elderly’ (老少同歡慶元宵) is scheduled to be held on Saturday, 15th February 2014 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the School Hall of Ho Lap College.

This is an annual event jointly organised by the PTA and the Ho Chui District Community Centre for Senior Citizens. It enables students to participate in the caring of old people who are usually lacking of family care. This event has been greatly supported by our committee members since it was introduced to us in 2006. We hope you would join us in this activity of benevolence too.

We could buy tickets for the dinner at $140 each as payment for the cost. We would then sit at different tables (around 19) among the elderly people and chat with them or tend to their needs. There will be entertainment programmes provided by Ho Lap College, the PTA and also the senior citizens before dinner. One of the highlights of the evening for the elderly has to be the lucky draw. You may also help by donating prizes if you cannot find time to attend the dinner.

If you would like to sponsor draw prizes or be a volunteer at the dinner, please do not hesitate to contact Lam Mei Ling, Dorcas at dorcasL@gmail.com or 9033 5332 on or before 11th February 2014. You may also contact Principal Agnes Keung direct at 2322 2220 if you have a donation to make.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Ho Lap College Alumni Association
Yuen Kam Chuen (Prof.)
相關附件 \ 詳情下載: PTA Elderly Feast_HLCAA 2014.pdf