文理書院校友會與可立中學校友會合辦籃球友誼賽章程 發表於 2019年2月17日
相關附件 \ 詳情下載: cckln.pdf 按此觀看完整消息
 FEAST FOR THE ELDERLY 2019 發表於 2019年1月28日
Dear All,

The ‘Feast for the Elderly’ (老少同歡慶元宵) is scheduled to be held on Saturday, 16th February 2019 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the School Hall of Ho Lap College.

This is an annual event jointly organised by Ho Lap College, the PTA and the Ho Chui District Community Centre for Senior Citizens. It enables students to participate in the caring of old people who are usually lacking of family care. This event has been greatly supported by our committee members since it was introduced to us in 2006. There will be entertainment performances provided by Ho Lap College, the PTA and the senior citizens while dinner is served to approximately 200 elderly people.

We would very much like to have your participation in this activity of benevolence through your presence at the dinner, or donation which can be money for the cost of the event or gifts for the elderly. The dinner fee to cover the cost is $150 per person this year.

If you would like to buy dinner tickets or make a donation, please do not hesitate to contact Lam Mei Ling, Dorcas at dorcasL@gmail.com or (852) 9033 5332 on or before 13th February 2019. Alternatively, you may contact Principal Agnes Keung direct at (852) 2322 2220 in this regard.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Chong Kai Pun, William


Ho Lap College Alumni Association
相關附件 \ 詳情下載: Feast_for_the_elderly_2019.jpg
 可立中學校友會 2018年11月25日 秋季活動 發表於 2018年10月25日
相關附件 \ 詳情下載: 20181125_APP.pdf 按此觀看完整消息
 2018校友會籃球賽規則 發表於 2018年10月9日
相關附件 \ 詳情下載: 2018 holap bb match rules.pdf 按此觀看完整消息
 2018校友會籃球賽及燒烤晚會 發表於 2018年10月9日
相關附件 \ 詳情下載: 2018_holap_bb_match_application.pdf 按此觀看完整消息